A unique collection of Single Malt Irish Whiskey, produced in small batches from Irish malted barley and Mullaghmesha mountain water. Each triple-distilled whiskey has been aged patiently in first-fill bourbon casks and then finished in casks selected from the finest fortified wine and spirits producers. The precise distillation and unique finishing delivers a collection of beautifully balanced Irish whiskeys, each differing in their aroma and palate.
The set contains miniature whiskeys finished in following casks:
* 1x Port Cask (Quinta de Boeira, Portugal)
* 1x Calvados Cask (Distillerie Garnier, France)
* 1x Sherry Cask (Bodegas Baron, Spain)
* 1x Virgin Quercus Alba Oak Cask (Kelvin Cooperage, USA)
* 1x Rum Cask (Consorcio Licorero Nacional Panama, Panama)